Center for Southeast Asian Studies, National Chengchi University國立政治大學東南亞研究中心

Chun-Ying WANG 汪純瑩

MEPO Humanity Technology, Inc. / National Chengchi University / Kyoto University



佛 告阿難。一切眾生。從無始來。種種顛倒。業種自然。如惡叉聚。諸修行人。不能得成無上菩提。乃至別成聲聞緣覺。及成外道諸天魔王。及魔眷屬。皆由不知二種 根本。錯亂修習。猶如煮沙欲成嘉饌。縱經塵劫。終不能得。云何二種。阿難。一者無始生死根本。則汝今者與諸眾生。用攀緣心為自性者。二者無始菩提涅槃元清 淨體。則汝今者識精元明。能生諸緣。緣所遺者。由諸眾生遺此本明。雖終日行而不自覺。枉入諸趣。 前已總明一切眾生生死相續。皆由不知常 住真心性淨明體。用諸妄想。此想不真。故有輪轉。然猶未曾分明說此真心妄想總無二體。...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | July 10, 2022 | Views: 467


起心動念皆是因,當下所受皆為果,因上努力,果中隨緣,足矣。 (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | May 11, 2021 | Views: 1,119

反省於在世與出世 - 當佛教遇到歐陸哲學工作坊:第一場「出世與在世」與談稿

反省於在世與出世 當佛教遇到歐陸哲學工作坊:第一場「出世與在世」與談稿 時間:2021年1月8日 地點:國立中山大學哲學研究所 主持人:林鎮國教授 引言人:游淙祺院長、耿晴教授 同場與談人:越建東教授 與談稿撰文:汪純瑩 有勞林恕安博士代為宣讀 林老師、游院長、耿老師與越老師:晚輩要以尚未成熟的哲學工作來就教於各位學者前輩,十分心虛,敬請諸位老師與與會先進多多指教。 0. 在進入討論脈絡前,想要先分享一則故事,點出我與談的主軸:「人之將死其言也善」時的心境,就是出世的心境,完全不假包裝,才能親見真相。...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | December 31, 2020 | Views: 1,652

吾入定觀察,欲釋深經,心期正覺,非願無學果也 ...《大唐西域記卷十》

《大唐西域記卷十》:「陳那菩薩者,佛去世後承風染衣,智願廣大,慧力深固,愍世無依,思弘聖教。以為因明之論,言深理廣,學者虛功,難以成業。乃匿迹幽巖,棲神寂定,觀述作之利害,審文義之繁約。是時崖谷震響,煙雲變釆,山神捧菩薩高數百尺,唱如是言:「昔佛世尊善權導物,以慈悲心,說《因明論》,綜括妙理,深究微言。如來寂滅,大義泯絕。今者,陳那菩薩福智悠遠,深達聖旨,因明之論,重弘茲日。」菩薩乃放大光明,照燭幽昧。時此國王深生尊敬,見此光明相,疑入金剛定,因請菩薩證無學果。陳那曰:「吾入定觀察,欲釋深經,心期正覺,非願無學果也。...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | January 16, 2013 | Views: 4,272

大覺開因明以正理,陳那授正理以因明 ...《大唐西域記卷十》

「群生焚于火宅,溺於愛海者,皆以於因不明,於理不正。是以大覺開因明以正理,陳那授正理以因明,二名未嘗異,二理未鉅殊也。」 ~《因明入正理論疏智解融貫鈔》 /日本釋基辨撰 (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | January 16, 2013 | Views: 4,129

Chun-Ying WANG: Between the Given and the Thought: Introducing the Introduction of Dan Arnold's《Brains, Buddhas, and Believing》

Chun-Ying WANG: Between the Given and the Thought: Introducing the Introduction of Dan Arnold's《Brains, Buddhas, and Believing》 (In progress, please do not cite any part of the short essay) Questions in focus: ◎ Can Buddhism be naturalized? Can...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | September 12, 2012 | Views: 4,035

汪純瑩:所與與所思之間:關於 Dan Arnold《Brains, Buddhas, and Believing》之「導論」

汪純瑩:所與與所思之間:關於 Dan Arnold《Brains, Buddhas, and Believing》之「導論」 (In progress,請勿引用) 本書關注的問題: ◎佛教可被自然化嗎?「超越觀點下的經驗」能被「科學」驗證嗎?心靈到底來說是經驗的,或者是理性的(或邏輯的、超越的、概念的)? ◎無我觀,是否相容於物理觀~一切心靈活動都只是可受因果律制約、可被化約到物理世界之中的活動?轉世理論,令佛教絕不可能與物理論相容?然而,同樣都主張「唯有能進入因果關係之內的東西到底來說才是真的」的法稱與當代物理論者如Fodor來說,如何回應意向論者如Sellars、彌曼莎以及中觀派提出的挑戰:涉及語言的心靈活動,無法被化約到物理經驗裡面?在這個意義下,法稱的「描述的意向層次」與「必要的第一人稱觀點」相關主張又代表什麼樣的知識觀。...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | September 12, 2012 | Views: 3,874

智的直覺 - 導讀: Dan Arnold: “Self-Awareness (svasaṃvitti) and Related Doctrines of Buddhists” in Indian Philosophy (2010) 38: 323-78.

導讀: Dan Arnold: “Self-Awareness (svasaṃvitti) and Related Doctrines of Buddhists” in Indian Philosophy (2010) 38: 323-78. I.根源問題 II.陳那的自證理論 III.如何看待自證這個「東西」 IV.法稱的解套:自證的必要性,從Manorathanandin的法稱詮釋談起 V.自證的本質與結論 導讀人:汪純瑩(政大哲學研究所博士生) 政治大學研究大樓哲學基礎研究室...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | November 13, 2011 | Views: 5,004

心解脫者,若欲自證,則能自證|Re: 智的直覺 - 導讀: Dan Arnold: “Self-Awareness (svasaṃvitti) and Related Doctrines of Buddhists” in Indian Philosophy (2010) 38: 323-78.

《雜阿含經》卷第一(一) T02n0099_p0001a06(00)║   (一) 如是我聞: 一時, T02n0099_p0001a07(09)║佛住舍衛國祇樹給孤獨園。 爾時,世尊告諸比丘:「當觀色無常。 T02n0099_p0001a08(01)║如是觀者,則為正觀。正觀者,則生厭離; T02n0099_p0001a09(02)║厭離者,喜貪盡;喜貪盡者,說心解脫。 「如是觀受、 T02n0099_p0001a10(00)║想、行、識無常。如是觀者,則為正觀。正觀者, T02n0099_p0001a11(00)║則生厭離;厭離者,喜貪盡;喜貪盡者, T02n0099_p0001a12(02)║說心解脫。...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | November 15, 2011 | Views: 3,965

陳那的「轉向哲學」- 評論: 仁宥法師〈漢地所傳的早期現量理論 – 以五識與意識現量的認識對境為中心〉

評論: 〈漢地所傳的早期現量理論 – 以五識與意識現量的認識對境為中心〉 (TPA發表稿) 仁宥法師 / 政治大學哲學所博士候選人 評論人:汪純瑩,政治大學哲學所博士生 臺北醫學院 2011/10/23臺哲會2011年會 1.仁宥法師此作將七世紀至八世紀初漢語文化圈中對佛教量論的討論以及對印度論典的消化進行考察,雖然仁宥法師整理的文獻仍舊需要進一步地放置在我們當今的思維脈絡裡解讀,也還需要進一步地與梵文、藏傳文獻會通,而漢、藏兩地相關的後續注疏傳統以及當代學者的考察也都應該還有許多材料值得開發,但從法師整理的材料內,我們可以發現六至八世紀間漢傳佛教內部所接受的量論理論,保留了尚未受到七世紀法稱詮釋影響的陳那思想,以及更早以無著為主、前於陳那的量論討論,這些養分在六、七乃至八世紀的漢地的獨立發展,與近幾年剛釋出、由...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | October 23, 2011 | Views: 5,915

An Essay Establishing Critical Epistemology – Following Dignāga and Kant / 汪純瑩 Chun-Ying WANG

An Essay Establishing Critical Epistemology – Following Dignāga and Kant Chun-Ying WANG Abstract This essay as a philosophical enquiry tries to establish Critical Epistemology (CE) by reporting the observations in the conduct of critical...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | May 1, 2011 | Views: 11,122

Dreyfus 談法稱「本體論-知識論衝突」及其「現實的界域」

Briefing to Dreyfus's "The Purview of the “Real”" in Recognizing Reality: Dharmakīrti’s Philosophy and Its Tibetan Interpretations 2010/12/18 @國立政治大學研究大樓哲學基礎研究室 汪純瑩 ©gustav Abstract: Dreyfus立場:不承認法稱學說為具有單純(naive)一致系統性的學說,而是調和數個衝突立場或觀點的複雜體系,認為法稱在方法上採行一種「動態、上升式的分析策略」以進行調和,於是參考Śākya...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | December 18, 2010 | Views: 3,530


T32n1628_p0003b10(00)║為自開悟唯有現量及與比量。 T32n1628_p0003b11(04)║彼聲喻等攝在此中。故唯二量。由此能了自共相故。 T32n1628_p0003b12(00)║ T32n1628_p0003b13(15)║非離此二別有所量為了知彼更立餘量。故本頌言。 T32n1628_p0003b14(00)║ 現量除分別  餘所說因生 譯:要使自己產生認識,只有通過「現量」與「比量」這兩個知識根源。(古因明、正理派的)聲教量與譬喻量,皆包含在這兩者之中,所以說只有這二量,這是因為透過此二者可以了知自相與共相的緣故,而並非在此自相、共相之外還有他者需要另立他量來了知。...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | November 30, 2010 | Views: 2,952

The Meaning of 義 in Dignāga's《Nyāyamukha》

The Meaning of 義 in Dignāga's Nyāyamukha {In the beginning of the Mukha where Dignāga explains the attempt he tries to achieve in the mukha, we find the term Yi (義, artha) has to be understood in the context of cognition.} 為欲簡持能立能破義中真實故造斯論。 The...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | November 4, 2010 | Views: 2,342

The Meaning of 義 in Dignāga's《Nyāyamukha》(II)

Following the understanding of 同品 and 異品 in the light of the understanding of 義 (as 起論端義 and 簡別義) presented last week, we are now to examine Dignāga's theory of 九句因. First, the cognitive model will be described; second, the logical function as distributing...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | November 11, 2010 | Views: 3,664

A Step Back: What's the Point to Be Critical? [Dignāga's Nyāyamukha]

As the incongruence between the two palms on one flat can become congruent when an additional dimension is introduced, the seemingly contradictory pairs of propositions lingering around the borderline of our experience can be resolved with the same method....... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | October 28, 2010 | Views: 2,985

Logic and the Non-perceivable (II) [Dignāga's Nyāyamukha]

T32n1628_p0001c22(00)║ 說因宗所隨  宗無因不有 T32n1628_p0001c23(00)║ 依第五顯喻  由合故知因 1. 鄭偉宏(2007):五支作法: 我常(宗)I am permanent (thesis) 不為根所覺者(因)not perceived by the senses (proof) 如虛空(喻)like emptyness (instances) 我是不為根所覺者(合)I am not perceived by the senses...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | October 21, 2010 | Views: 1,788

Logic and the Non-perceivable (I) [Dignāga's Nyāyamukha]

T32n1628_p0001b28(13)║夫立宗法理應更以餘法為因成立此法。若即成立有法為有。或立為無。 T32n1628_p0001b29(01)║如有成立最勝為有。現見別物有總類故。 T32n1628_p0001c01(00)║或立為無。不可得故。其義云何。 1.最勝:primordial matter (pradhāna), postulated to be existent by the Sāṅkhyas數論(Tucci, 沈劍英, 鄭偉宏), primary and unevolved...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | October 13, 2010 | Views: 2,013

桂紹隆(Shoryu KATSURA)因明正理門論研究七篇及其他著作

因明正理門論研究(一) 広島大学文学部紀要 Vol.37 page.106-126 (19771215) 因明正理門論研究(二) 広島大学文学部紀要 Vol.38 page.110-130 (19781215) 因明正理門論研究(三) 広島大学文学部紀要 Vol.39 page.63-82 (19791215) 因明正理門論研究(四) 広島大学文学部紀要 Vol.41 page.62-82 (19811215) 因明正理門論研究(五) 広島大学文学部紀要 Vol.42...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | October 8, 2010 | Views: 2,232

Pseudo-thesis, proof, and facts [Dignāga's Nyāyamukha]

T32n1628_p0001b17(02)║[color=#9999CC]即為善說。[/color]由是。若有彼此不同許。定非宗法 。 T32n1628_p0001b18(00)║如有成立聲是無常。眼所見故。 T32n1628_p0001b19(04)║又若敵論不同許者。如對顯論所作性故。 T32n1628_p0001b20(04)║又若猶豫如依煙等起疑惑時。成立大種和合火有。 T32n1628_p0001b21(00)║以現煙故。或於是處有法不成。 T32n1628_p0001b22(03)║如成立我其體周遍於一切處。...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | October 7, 2010 | Views: 1,413

Logic and Reality [Dignāga's Nyāyamukha]

Logic and Reality [Dignāga's Nyāyamukha, hetus tri-rūpaḥ] EXAMPLE: It is known that there is fire in the mountain, because smoke can be observed in the mountain, like the kitchen ranges etc. from which smoke can ONLY (eva) be observed and unlike...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | September 29, 2010 | Views: 1,525

Judgment and Reality [Dignāga's Nyāyamukha]

Judgment and Reality The core problem is “what is the ontically real?”, and the path to the answer rests upon the problem “what's the relation between reality and knowledge (the act to know)?”[1] However, the answer seems not to be a direct one to...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | September 23, 2010 | Views: 1,404

Re: What is "Conceptual Construction?" - Re: Judgment and Reality [Dignāga's Nyāyamukha]

Conceptual construction, roughly speaking, is the result of human thinking. (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | October 27, 2010 | Views: 1,831


討論範圍:陳那《集量論.現量品》四、五、六頌 典範:Masaaki Hattori翻譯(1968) [hr] 心得: 這回再細讀陳那《集量論.現量品》,有抓出幾個方法論的重點,包括量必須依境而推定(註一);五根的對象在其作為外在存有時必得同時具有自、共二相,境必定與心之概念構作高度相關(註二),由此衍生出「截然二分的現、比二量如何共同運作(意現量)」以及「物自身之存在樣態為何(瑜伽直觀)」等問題(註三)。 這兩個問題其實是個互為混雜的問題,涉及到更細緻的方法論問題,其中一個關鍵決定在於:自相與共相之區分是對象的「面向的區別」亦或「存有的區別」,倘若是前者,則將導出如下存在論觀點:「外境唯一,唯必定出自不同量之協同運作」;若是後者,則「外境紛雜,唯存有於一客觀秩序之中」。...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | March 11, 2010 | Views: 2,444


國科會哲學學門人才培育計畫:佛教知識論研究 計畫介紹 【活動緣起】   去年( 2006 )年中時,哲學學門李明輝召集人希望擇定學門內幾個有發展潛力的領域組成研究小組,每一小組由一位資深學者主持,邀請目前執行國科會相關計畫的學者(尤其是新進學者)參加,透過定期聚會、研讀會、邀請國外學者講學等方式進行整合,以期推動多年期整合型計畫。「佛教哲學」是選定的領域之一,李召集人希望由我來負責推動,我也覺得這是頗富前瞻性的做法,對於國內佛學研究不僅可以達到提升佛教哲學研究的質量,整合國內的研究人力,形成研究團隊,還可以和國際佛學界接軌,尋求台灣學界於該領域上的國際合作機會,因此我就承擔推動這佛教哲學人才培育計畫的任務。...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | November 30, 2009 | Views: 1,691

Between the Indeterminate and the Determined-- from the Viewpoints of Dignaga and Kant. Also an Attempt to Reconcile Epistemoligists and Metaphysicians

Between the Indeterminate and the Determined-- from the Viewpoints of Dignaga and Kant. Also an Attempt to Reconcile Epistemoligists and Metaphysicians As Dan Arnold in his “Is Svasamvitti Transcendental?”[1] has captured, there seems to always...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | July 23, 2009 | Views: 6,265

Re: Check a choice of word

Thank you for your reply. As I point out in the later part of the article, the two concepts/technical terms "appearance" and "intuition" are distinct from each other quite fuzzily. And at this part exactly shows the systematical discrepancy between Kant's...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | July 26, 2009 | Views: 1,087

Re: Between the Indeterminate and the Determined-- from the Viewpoints of Dignaga and Kant. Also an Attempt to Reconcile Epistemoligists and Metaphysicians

這篇文章花很多力氣要講的重點應該在於,推理能力(確定意識的能力)與直觀能力(使意識帶有直接性、自我性與開放性的能力)的統一在於意識生成之前就有,且因此我們的意識本身就既為有規則又為無規則,這樣矛盾的統一是意識的必然,不是我們在經驗裡面可以任意決定或者可被養成為其中的哪個的。 這樣的想法,便把我們的意識本質與下列兩種想像中的本質區分開來: 我們先有直觀,然後我們歸納出規則來,所以我們應該要相信直觀,而規則或至少其必然性可被揚棄,如經驗論者,或神秘主義者。 我們先有規則,然後我們按照規則認識世界,所以假若現實發生不如規則預期,則錯的是現實,不是規則,如理性主義者或現代主義者。...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | September 11, 2009 | Views: 1,288

Re: The Meaning of "Apperception" in Kant's Philosophy, Psychology, and Epistemology

I found Runes' explanation of apperception not very plausible. But I don't have time to argue for it for the time being. Mainly, the distinction between transcendental and empirical apperception, at least in the sense or the way Runes presents it,...... (more)
佛教知識論@MEPO | October 1, 2009 | Views: 1,251


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